Monday 8 April 2013

How to Run Windows or Linux in Ubuntu on Virtual Machine

How to Run Windows or Linux in Ubuntu

Guest Operating System : RHEL or Windows
Host Operarting System : Ubuntu 12.04

1. Download the ISO file of Ubuntu 12.04 or 12.10 from HERE
2. Download the VirtualBox Sofware for the appropriate Host OS. In our case host operating System: Ubuntu HERE

                                                                VirtualBox Download Page

3. After Downloading the VirtaulBox Software,  install  it.
To install run this command on terminal
rahul@rahul-desktop:~/Downloads$ sudo dpkg -i virtualbox-4.2_4.2.6-82870~Ubuntu~precise_i386.deb
4. Open VirtaulBox(Oracle VM). Click on the NEW button.

                                                           Virtual Machine Name & OS type

5. Click on the NEXT button. Assign a name to the Virtual Machine. Select the appropriate OS and version . In our case give OS as LINUX and Version as Redhat.Click on Next Button.

                                                          Virtual Machine :  Memory allocation

6. Select the amount of memory needed for the Virtual Machine according to your RAM size.
Minimum recommended size is 512 MB. Click on Next.

                                                         Create new Virtual Disk Wizard

7. If you want to create a VM using old *.vdi , then select "USE EXISTING HARD DISK". Otherwise
select  "Create New hard Disk".Click Next Button.

8. Create New Virtual Disk Wizard. Select the appropriate File Type. Click Next Button.

                                                        Create new Virtual Disk Wizard

 9. Select Fixed Size or  Dynamic size allocation. Click next Button and select the appropriate size and Location

10. Then click on Create Button.It will take sometime to create the VM.

11. After Completion of the VM , click on Power Off Button or start  to Switch On the button.

12. If you are doing this for the first time, you  will get First Run Wizard. Click on Next Button. You need to provide the location of Ubuntu 12.04.iso,XP.iso  or redhat5.iso downloaded by you.

13. Then it will go through the Installation process of Ubuntu 12.04 or Redhat like any other normal OS installation.
After the installation . It will ask for the reboot of virtual machine(Note : Only virtual machine will be rebooted not your System.)

14. You are ready to go .

                                                            OS: RHEL 5


                                                    OS:Windows XP

All the Best :)

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