Friday 19 April 2013

How To Convert RPM File Into DEB File in Ubuntu

Convert RPM File Into DEB File in Ubuntu 

Here’s how to convert a .rpm file into a .deb file in Ubuntu using ‘alien’ utility:
1. Issue the following command at the terminal -
sudo apt-get install alien

Enter ‘y’ to confirm the installation.
2. Now we’ll convert ‘teamviewer_linux.rpm’ into a .deb file. Issue the following command at the terminal -
sudo alien <file-name>
In our case,
sudo alien teamviewer_linux.rpm

3. Now issue the following command at the terminal -
sudo chmod 777 teamviewer_8.0.17147-2_i386.deb
This will ensure that users will have permissions to install the converted .deb file.
4. Now let us install teamviewer using the converted .deb file
$ sudo dpkg -i teamviewer_8.0.17147-2_i386.deb

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