Friday 19 April 2013

Basic Linux Command-line Tips and Tricks

1.  Everything in Linux is a file including the hardware and even the directories.
2. # : Denotes the super(root) user
3.  $ : Denotes the normal user
4.  /root: Denotes the super user’s directory
/home: Denotes the normal user’s directory.
5.  Switching between Terminals
§  Ctrl + Alt + F1-F6: Console login
§  Ctrl + Alt + F7: GUI login
6.  The Magic Tab: Instead of typing the whole filename if the unique pattern for a particular file is given then the remaining characters need not be typed and can be obtained automatically using the Tab button.
7.   ~(Tilde): Denotes the current user’s home directory
8.   Ctrl + Z: To stop a command that is working interactively without terminating it.
9.  Ctrl + C: To stop a command that is not responding. (Cancellation).
10.  Ctrl + D: To send the EOF( End of File) signal to a command normally when you see ‘>’.
11.  Ctrl + W: To erase the text you have entered a word at a time.
12.  Up arrow key: To redisplay the last executed command. The Down arrow key can be used to print the next command used after using the Up arrow key previously.

The color code of the files is as follows:
Blue: Directory file
White: Normal file
Green: Executable file
Yellow: Device file
Magenta: Picture file
Cyan: link file
Red: Compressed file

File Symbol
-(Hyphen) : Normal file
l=link file
b=Block device file
c=character device file

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