Monday 22 December 2014

How to create WIFI Hotspot in Ubuntu 14

Below I have shown you how to use  default network manager to create a wireless hotspot in Ubuntu 14.04 To share Internet from Laptop to Mobile or other laptop.

1. Disable WIFI and plug in an internet cable or USB Dongle to your laptop so that your Ubuntu is connect to a  internet and wireless is disabled,
2. Go to Network Icon on top panel -> Edit Connections …, then click the Add button in the pop-up window.

3. Choose Wi-Fi from the drop-down menu when you’re asked to choose a connection type:

 4. In next window, do:
  • Type in a SSID
  • Select mode: Infrastructure
5. Go to Wi-Fi Security tab, select security type WPA & WPA2 Personal and set a password.
6. Go to IPv4 Settings tab, from Method drop-down box select Shared to other computers.

When done, click the save button.
After above steps, a configuration file created under/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections directory. File name is same to the connection name 
7. Now open terminal.  paste the commands below and hit enter to edit the configuration file:

gksu gedit /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wi-Fi\ connection\ 1

if gkus command not found, install it by running command 
$sudo apt-get install gksu 

 When the file opens, find the line mode=infrastructure and  change it to mode=ap and save it 

When everything’s done, enable WIFI from Network Manager icon on the top panel. It should automatically connect to the hotspot  you created. If not, select “Connect to Hidden Wi-Fi Network …” and select it from the drop-down box. Now you can connect Internet through any WIFI      device 

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