Monday 3 June 2013

Linux Directory Structure (File System Structure) Explained with Details

A Linux directory is the same principle as a Windows folder, in that files can be   organised into different directories, and each directory can be organized into   various sub directories
This is referred to as the root directory.
It's the baseline for the directory structure, which is important when navigating
from one directory tree to another.
This is where the computer's users files are kept, so in a way it is Linux's equivalent
to Windows' "My Documents". This the User’s home Directories.
Each user gets their own named directory, and security permissions can be set so that
users can view and edit, view only, or if required not even see the contents of other
users' home directories. 
Contains essential programs for the operating system in executable form.
 This directory, as the name suggests, contains the boot information for Linux,
 including the kernel.
The default configuration files for Linux applications are stored in this directory.
These are text files can be easily edited, but bear in mind that they can sometimes
be overridden by copies of the files elsewhere on the system.
In Linux, devices are treated in the same way as files, so they can be read from and
written to in the same way. So, when a device is attached, it will show up in this folder. Bear in mind that this includes every device in the system, including internal
motherboard devices and more.
 This directory contains shared libraries for use by applications running on Linux,
 similar to Windows' DLL files.
This is Linux's rescue directory, so that in the event of a crash or other
serious event files are stashed here to enable recovery.
In Linux, every storage device is treated as just another directory.
This includes floppy disks, hard drives, CD/DVD ROMs and USB card devices.
This "virtual" directory contains a lot of fluid data about the status of the
kernel and its running environment.
Since Linux treats everything as files, you can view this data using text viewing software,and though even editing these files is sometimes possible, doing so is not advised unless you really know what you're doing.
Rather than being part of the /home directory, the superuser (or root user)'s directory is placed here.
Remember that this is not the same thing as the root directory of the system (/).
This is where system administration software is stored. Unlike applications in the /bin folder, the root user is usually the only user who can run these.
Applications store their temporary files in this directory.
This directory is where users' applications are stored, including the executable,
and also sometimes the source code, along with any images and documentation.
Similar to /proc, this directory contains data concerning the status of running application, including many log files.
This is worth knowing, because these can be viewed in the event of a
system error to help in diagnosing the problem.

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