Sunday 10 March 2013

Advantage of Linux OS


Most windows users may be wondering how Linux is useful and/or whether it is user friendly.
OF COARSE !!! Linux is user-friendly and has many advantages.

                        1. Free of Cost

Many might of already known Linux is a free of charge.Anyone can download and distribute the Os to their friends and family members.Using a free operating system means not having to spend for even major upgrade or install a new version of your OS.
Download & These Linux Popular Linux Distributions,
Easy installation, a massive package repository and a dedicated user community help keep Ubuntu a great choice for newcomers.
The result of a fusion between a noble cause and an uncompromisingly corporate business plan.
Blows a breath of fresh air across a world dominated by brown, blue and purple.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop gives businesses greater flexibility.

                       2. Security

Though security experts identified viruses in Linux.Generally speaking Linux is Virus FREE.Linux is well protected and are designed to be secure.

                       3. Efficiency

Linux is a boon for system with Lower configuration.If your PC can’t cope up with the latest version of Windows i.e Windows 7, then you should try the latest version of Ubuntu. That is because Linux is efficient and will run faster on old hardware when compared to Windows.

                       4. Free Pre-loaded Applications

Most of the Linux distributions are pre-loaded with essential applications that are also free such as Open office, GIMP(Image Editor), DVD-ripper, VLC Player and more. So that means you can keep your savings intact. You can also fire up your software or package manager anytime and get more free applications that you want. I’ve been using Linux for past 3 years, and not having to worry about paying for software is priceless.

Basically, I hope you are interested to try Open Source stuff whether its Linux or even Open Office

I personally recommend  Ubuntu

Here you go

          Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal


 Ubuntu 12.10, the late-year arrival from Canonical's six-month standard release factory, marks the first new release within the company's current long-term support cycle. Got it? Good, because it may be the best takeaway from the latest Ubuntu release, codenamed Quantal Quetzal. After that, it's a bit of a rocky ride.
The product's development lineage is important to note from more of a business/adoption side perspective. The release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS in April was Canonical's fourth long-term support product and signaled the end of one full two-year development cycle. Quantal Quetzal is the first standard release on the road to pushing out Ubuntu 14.04 LTS in Spring 2014 (undoubtedly to be codenamed "Uber-rocking Unicorn" if the pattern holds), and it sets up themes and directions which will mature over the next two years.